Notizen zu Kunststoffrasenbelägen
Referat Tagung Bodensee Gemeindegärtner Juni 2008
Environment and Sports Surfaces - a Review 2008
Results of Swiss Study + CEN Task Group "Environment"
English version
Deutsche Fassung
PowerPoint Presentation
Study "Artificial Turf Surfaces for Soccer"
What owners of soccer pitches should know about artificial turf
June 2007
English Version
Deutsche Fassung
Pictures of Study "Artificial Turf Surfaces for Soccer"
June 2007 ...more (3 MB)
Linear Friction Test Details
Presentation at Sheffield April 2007 ...more
EN 14877 Synthetic Surfaces; Specification - Overview
March 2007 ...more
Orientierungshilfe Kunststoffrasenbeläge in der Schweiz
Juni 2006 ...more
Artificial Turf for Soccer; Teststing and Requirements FIFA - EN - DIN
an Overview 2006
English Version
Deutsche Fassung
Determination of Vertical Ball Behavior
Impact on Test Results compared with DIN 18032-2 "Sports Hall
Surfaces" (Sept.2004) ....more
Standardization of Sports Surfaces
An Overview (Sept. 2004) ....more
Print Version
Dreiländer-Kongress : Sicherheit im Sport
September 2004 in Magglingen, Schweiz
"Kraftabbau und Gleitverhalten" ....more
14810 Spikes Behavior
Comment (June 2004) ....more
14 809 AA Stuttgart +
prEN (CEN TC 217/N410) Energy Restitution
Comment (June 2004) ....more
Athletes - Synopsis of Specifications
Presentation at the ISSS Technical Meeting in Vienna, May 2004 ....more
Aspects of Sports Surface Testing
Introduction at the ISSS Technical Meeting in Vienna, May 2004 ....more
of Aging and Wear Testing of Synthetic Turf
Rules for Maintenance
Presentation at the Stadia Turf Summit, Amsterdam March 2003 ....more
for Establishing Guidelines for Sports Surfaces
presentation at the 3rd International Symposium
on Sports Surfaces at Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 2003 ....more
Roll Behavior: The Functional Relationship
of the Ball Roll Distance and the Timing Gate Method
ISSS Website, December 2003 ....more
Compatibility of Sports Surfaces - History and Comments
ISSS Website, December 2003 ....more
on the new Version of DIN 18035-7:2002
"Sports Grounds; Synthetic Turf Fields"
Presentation at the ISSS Technical Meeting, Nyon October 2002 ....more
on the new Version of DIN 18035-7:2000
"Sports Grounds; Synthetic Turf Fields"
Presentation at the ISSS Technical Meeting, Schaffhausen September
2000 ....more
Robin Gmax and HIC (EN 1177 + ASTM F 1292)
ISSS Project 2002 in cooperation with Dr. John Dunlop (Acoustoscan)
Robin Artificial Athlete Berlin
ISSS Project 2000 ....more
Affecting the Artificial Athlete Berlin
ISSS Website 1996 ....more
und Umwelt
(Synthetic Surfaces and Environment);Stadt & Grün (Das Gartenamt),
of Sports Surfaces Based on Biomechanical and Technical Concepts,
presentation at the ISSS Technical Seminar , Lucerne (Switzerland)
DIN Standards - Their Development and Their Values Today
Presentation at the 2nd International Symposium on Sports Surfaces at Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 1992
Qualitätssicherung Sporthallenböden
(Quality Monitoring Concept of Sports Hall Flooring Systems), 1992Sports Surfaces and Environment
Presentation at the l.S.S.S. Technical Seminar 1991 at BerlinQuality Monitoring at Sports Surfaces
Bauen mit Kunststoffen, 2/88, Darmstadt, Germany 1988Functional Standards for Playing Surfaces
in "Sport Shoes and Playing Surfaces", 1984, Human Kinetics PublishersEquestrian Surfaces for Dressage Sports *)
Research Project of the German Equestrian Association
Sport- und Freizeitanlagen, Berichte xxxxTennis Surfaces - Testing and Players Comments *)
Research Project of Federal Institute of Sports Sciences, 1976, Cologne, Germany
Sport- und Freizeitanlagen; Berichte xxxxOutdoor Playing Fields - Testing with Survey of Players Comments *)
Research Project of Federal Institute of Sports Sciences, 1974, Cologne, Germany
Sport- und Freizeitanlagen; Berichte xxxx
Development of the Modified Artificial Athlete Berlin
Research Project of Federal Institute of Sports Sciences, 1976, Cologne, Germany
Sport- und Freizeitanlagen; Berichte xxxxDevelopment of the Sliding Tester "Stuttgart"
Research Project of Federal Institute of Sports Sciences, 1976, Cologne, Germany
Sport- und Freizeitanlagen; Berichte xxxx
Requirements for Synthetic Surfaces for Light Athletics Tracks and Run-Up Tracks *)
Development of the Artificial Athlete Stuttgart + Test Series with Synthetic Surfaces and Athletes
Research Project of Federal Institute of Sports Sciences, 1974, Cologne, Germany
Sport- und Freizeitanlagen; Berichte B2/73
Sports Hall Floors; Test Methods and Requirements
Magazine of the International Working Group for Sport and Leisure Facilities (IAKS) SB67, 1972more Documents on the ISSS Homepage
*) with Co-Authors
Hintergasse 15, CH 8253 Diessenhofen +49 174 303 6323 +41 77 470 8136 |